New Single Release: “To Be Kind”
“To Be Kind,” Available on 11/14/23
Happy World Kindness Week!
It feels like the perfect time to release the first single from my upcoming album that will be dedicated to kids and kids at heart!
The song, “To Be Kind,” is now available to listen to wherever you listen to music online.
Here’s a social media post I shared today with a bit about the motivation behind this project:
This weekend my 6-year-old stumbled on a video on YouTube Kids that greatly disturbed her. I felt so bad! Needless to say, the YouTube “Kids” app was promptly and irrevocably removed from her device.
Later, she asked me, “Why do they put those kinds of videos on there for children?” She also asked me, “Why did I want to keep watching it?” (Apparently, she had watched it a few times before showing me).These are difficult questions and I am still trying to understand the “why’s” of such things.
However, one thing became extra clear to me: Sharing positive and uplifting messages, especially with the most vulnerable among us, is important!
We have the ability to help shape the minds and hearts of the young. They, in turn will affect the world with their state of awareness.
I understand more deeply my mission behind putting out this “children’s” music that started coming to me a couple of years ago.
I am aware even more that each thing we do matters.
Kindness matters. Goodness matters.
It’s not that complicated.
It’s simple.
“To Be Kind” is now available on all major streaming platforms.
Please listen and share the song if it resonates with you.
Let’s broadcast love 💜 and kindness to a hurting world. 🌎
#worldkindnessday2023 #worldkindnessday #musicrelease