The Other Side

When I was a young kid—probably 3 or 4— I remember laying on the floor in my parents’ room listening to music (seems it had something to do with “Angels Watching Over Me” by Amy Grant) and having the craziest visionary experience. Traveling through tunnels in space, journeying fast, like I was traveling light, and suddenly finding myself back in my ordinary consciousness. Was this a memory? A vision? I didn’t know. But it was so vivid. This is one of only a few early childhood memories that I still recall.

Try asking your parents about that one! “Remember that time I was light traveling through space tunnels?” Um….no. My parents did not remember that time.

Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

People hold many beliefs about “the other side.” It is a fascinating topic shrouded in mystery-one of life’s greatest mysteries. Regardless of your beliefs about the other side, you probably experience moments of non-ordinary consciousness from time-to-time.

Perhaps while listening to music, napping, praying, driving, making love, or writing. In these moments, your conscious, analytical mind becomes quiet and the subconscious breaks through.

What you receive in this space are like little messages “from the other side.”

For me, it is like the muse that delivers a song, fully written, music and lyrics, into my lap. It is the voice that emerges when I sit down to write. It is the inner nudge that invites me to take inspired action. Sometimes this nudge can feel quite like a voice from “the other side” - as though the energies of my loved ones who have passed away are closer than I realize.

A Voice From the Other Side

About one year ago, I was watching a TV show with my husband. We were lying in the dark in bed, very relaxed, and something about one of the characters that kept making guest appearances on the show made me think of my friend, Chris.

It wasn’t exactly how the character looked. It wasn’t exactly the voice or even the manner. But undoubtedly, the nudge I got was, “You need to contact Chris.” I acknowledged the nudge before getting busy the next day and putting it out of my mind. The next evening, the character came on the show again, and this time, my mind said not only, “You need to contact Chris,” but also, “Why aren’t you contacting Chris?”

Suddenly I had an inner knowing as to why I hadn’t contacted Chris. My subconscious mind told me that Chris had died, and my conscious mind didn’t want to know it. It felt like an uncomfortable truth that I was avoiding, but I hoped I was wrong.

I sent Chris a message the next day, but even while sending it, it felt like “This isn’t going to land anywhere.” Sure enough, I received no response. I gathered the courage to look into it further and could put the pieces together well enough. I knew Chris had been battling pancreatic cancer. I hadn’t realized he was so close to the end. But he had passed months ago, days after his 50th birthday.

The next nudge told me to contact Chris’ mother, Cindy. I had never met Cindy or spoken to her before. I messaged her, and we connected instantly. Cindy invited me to Chris’ memorial in their hometown of Detroit that summer, and I felt drawn to go. In Detroit, I met Chris’ family, honored his life, and processed my feelings. I even played and sang at his memorial. It sure felt like a part of Chris was there— like he had invited me.

As saddened as I was to learn of my friend’s passing, I was grateful I had listened to the voice from “the other side,” that had given me the little nudges. It was important that I take the time to make space for the sense of loss and fully recognize the gift of our friendship.

Angels Watching Over You

A few days ago, I was relaying this story to my mother and stepmother at my kitchen table. Mid-story, right as I said Chris’ name, a large, vividly colored woodpecker flew onto the tree directly outside the window where we were sitting! I can still see the bright red markings in my mind. I’ve never in my life seen a woodpecker close up like that. It was beautiful.

I don’t claim to understand how the “other side” interacts with our waking world of ordinary consciousness; however, various experiences lead me to a working hypothesis. Right now, it’s this: Even though the solid physicality of the human form that we are used to associating with a person “goes away,” something of the person's energy continues to dance with aspects of this realm. Maybe it’s in a gentle “nudge” or a beautiful “hello" from nature like my bird sighting. Perhaps it’s a dream visitation, a message you see on the back of a car, or just how thinking of the person makes you feel.

Either way, you’re not alone. You’ve got friends on this side and the other.

I believe you have many angels accompanying you in this lifetime.

Like the reverse side of a coin, the “other side” is not so far away.


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