Owning Your Power
Last week I suggested that “quick fixes” get in the way of what we truly want, which is to be “in our power.” Maybe you’re wondering what I am talking about exactly. But, first, let me start by identifying what I am NOT talking about.
I am not talking about being on a power or ego trip. Of course, you can take those trips if you want, but that’s not being “in YOUR power.” Controlling (or trying to) control others to boost yourself actually involves “borrowing” others’ power. That’s not what the journey of freedom is about.
When I talk about being “in your power,” what I essentially mean is you becoming your life’s conscious author.
Look, you are powerful. It doesn’t matter what you do or who you are. You have a mind- and not just any mind- but a human mind- YOUR mind.
Your mind is such an incredible instrument. It takes the raw materials of what’s “out there” and translates what it receives into sense impressions “in here.” That’s your world. That’s YOUR mind.
You have your unique programming, of course- the patterns carved by the non-negotiables of your life. Things outside your control, such as where you were born, your sex at birth, your inherited temperament, etc. Not much power there. More like a cosmic lottery, or karma or predestination, if you prefer.
But, you’ve got something else! The part of you sitting back and WATCHING the thoughts as they happen in your mind and observing the interplay between your inner and outer worlds.
The ability to watch what is happening “in here” and “out there” is actually where your power lies.
I know….it’s stunningly simple.
Your power is the ability to consciously observe and evaluate your thoughts and then make choices based on what you learn.
This process may be called self-mastery.
I am calling it being “in your power.”
People who are in their power are eventually able to drop the need to control others. They begin to recognize and own up to when they are being manipulative (or manipulated). They begin to recognize that true happiness and contentment are an inside job.
People who are in their power know that the real game of life is actually self-mastery.
The commercial world DOES NOT want you to learn this. In fact, the more you start observing instead of instinctively reacting, you will see how much those who benefit from your servitude seek to remove you from your power.
The constant messaging saying “you are not enough” is a big, fat lie created by people who want you to buy their stuff or control you in some way.
But, like I said, owning your power is not an ego trip! It involves honesty and peeling back layers of conditioning. It can be messy and painful. But it is worth it.
In the process of reclaiming your power, you may start to become more sensitive to “power surges.” That is, you may feel yourself giving away your power. Perhaps you’re not voicing your true feelings, and you are going along with someone’s wishes due to feelings of self-doubt or insecurity.
When you feel an inner power shift, examine it. Ask yourself, “What thoughts and behaviors am I clinging to right now? Do I really want to give away my power?”
Owning your power involves taking responsibility for your actions and reactions.
Owning your power means becoming a self-determining being.
Owning your power is the ultimate journey of freedom.
Journey of Freedom
©Anastasia Forrest 2023