The Subtle Nature of Power
The Chakra system- A simple depiction
Last week I wrote about reclaiming or “owning your power,“ in the sense of becoming aware of your thoughts and behaviors, and making more enlightened or “free” choices.
This week I am going to go more deeply into the nature of power from an Eastern perspective by introducing the concepts of “chi” and the chakra system to our discussion.
Like any philosophy, the topic of chi can become overly technical, with debates over terminology and such.
That will not be helpful here, so I will keep it simple and grounded in my own experience and understanding.
Essentially, “your power” is your life force energy, or chi.
If you have ever seen any of the popular “Star Wars” films, you already have a basic understanding of chi.
Chi is the “life force” that surrounds, flows through, and pervades every living thing.
This idea is found in many cultures. Chi can be directly experienced.
One of the most popular systems used to describe the behavior and movement of chi through the human body is the chakra system.
The major seven chakra centers, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, are like landmarks along a pathway to higher consciousness.
Each of these chakras has an associated color, musical tone, and practical application.
Like a garden hose which is meant to channel water, the chakras are meant to channel chi. If there is a kink in the hose at any chakra center, chi energy can become blocked and stagnant there.
Simply put, open/balanced chakras = energy flowing through resulting in positive attributes associated with that center manifesting in your life; blocked/imbalanced chakras = stagnant energy resulting in associated negative attributes manifesting in your life.
According to this philosophy, energetic blockages are the cause of disharmony and/or disease in the human body/mind.
In other words, blockages in the subtle or etheric fields, if allowed to fester, develop into more dense forms.
Therapies based in subtle vibrations like acupuncture, breath work, and sound healing can help dissolve blockages and balance the chakras so that the chi can flow through freely.
These types of therapies work at the vibrational level to promote healing.
Over the next seven weeks, I will go into some detail about each of the seven chakras. To help explain what they are, I will share some real-life experiences.
Regardless of whether the chakra system seems like something plausible or fanciful to you, there are practical applications to your life at each level.
You will likely be able to recognize blockages or themes from your life patterns in one or, more likely, a few of these areas.
With awareness comes healing and freedom.
Journey of Freedom
©Anastasia Forrest 2023