
Why do I play it small,

Acting nonchalant about my endeavors?

Who am I trying to fool?

Am I trying to be clever?

It’s time to stop mixing

the signal I’m transmitting

and purify the intent

behind the message I am sending

So, what is my truth?

The first truth is that

my talents are God’s to administer

Far be it from me to hinder

The flow of the message,

the implementing of the call

Humility walks with Him,

Pride always falls.

The second truth is that

my aspirations are high

I aspire to uplift

My aim is to fly

Unfurling all possibilities of me

Becoming all I was made to be

Through a multitude of creations

Shower blessings of love-infused incantations

Ever thanking God for His provision,

Seeking Divine Guidance in all decisions

Trusting abundance

will come in fair share

To elevate in every way,

My soul will dare.

To unleash my dreams

and steady my focus

It’s more Providence

And less hocus-pocus.


The Purpose of Pain


The Human Dream: A Monologue